#London Borough of Culture

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Time Out London
2 months ago

London's Boroughs of Culture for 2025 and 2027 have been revealed

Two London boroughs named next London Boroughs of Culture: Wandsworth in 2025, Haringey in 2027. Each receives £1.35 million for cultural events.
London Borough of Culture aims to unite communities through creative and cultural activities, awarded every two years. [ more ]
2 months ago

'Rebel borough' Haringey set to be London Borough of Culture

Haringey named Borough of Culture 2027
1.35 million funding for cultural activities
Community-focused cultural programs [ more ]
Secret London
2 months ago

The Next London Borough Of Culture Has Just Been Announced

Wandsworth named London Borough of Culture 2025
London Borough of Culture initiative supports local communities [ more ]
2 months ago

Havering fails in London Borough of Culture bid

Havering missed out on London Borough of Culture title
Winners are Wandsworth for 2025 and Haringey for 2027 [ more ]
2 months ago

The Next London Borough Of Culture Will Be Wandsworth, Followed By...

Wandsworth named London Borough of Culture for 2025, followed by Haringey in 2027
Boroughs receive £1.35 million each for cultural events and projects. [ more ]
2 months ago

1 million winners of London Borough of Culture 2025 and 2027 announced

Wandsworth named London Borough of Culture 2025 with 1.35 million funding
Haringey named London Borough of Culture 2027 with the same funding amount [ more ]
5 months ago

Nine boroughs bidding to become London's next 'Borough of Culture' - and what they say

The London Borough of Culture award will be given to two winning boroughs who will receive 1.35 million each to deliver cultural events.
The 2023 London Borough of Culture is Croydon, and Barnet has applied for the 2027 title. [ more ]
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